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Covid-19 Prevention

The World Health Organisation called the new coronavirus outbreak a pandemic and puts Singapore in a circuit breaker, we hope that everybody will stay safe during this uncertain time. Here at Scanteak, we would like to share some important tips on virus prevention measures we can all practice.



(Featured Image: WakeMed Health & Hospital)

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

Your eyes, nose and mouth are easy access points for viruses and it is important to keep your hands away from your face, in general, to avoid transferring the virus from potentially contaminated surfaces that you might have touched throughout the day to your face through your hands.



(Featured Image: Stellan Bed Frame)

  • Wash all upholstery and porous items that might trap viruses.

Upholstery and porous items like your bedsheets, pillow covers and cushion covers should be washed regularly with detergent in the washing machine to kill all viruses that might have found their way into tiny gaps and crevices. If you’re unsure if your upholstery is machine safe, don’t worry as Scanteak’s sofa covers and German mattress covers are all machine washable and can be conveniently disinfected through thorough washing in the washing machine.



(Featured Image: Louis Console Table)

  • Avoid dampness

Damp surfaces are virus havens and it is important to remove potential virus-housing spots in your house. Always squeeze your dishwashing sponges dry and never leave damp bath towels hanging in the toilet.


(Featured Image: Inews)

  • Washing your hands and minimizing exposure to public spaces

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after you have been in public spaces or after blowing your nose, coughing and sneezing. If soap and water are not accessible, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Make sure to cover all surfaces of your hands and avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoid any close contact with people who are sick if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.  



(Featured Image: Live Science)

  • Keeping hand sanitizers easily accessible

The best way to keep your household cleansed is by regularly washing your hands with soap, but the only problem is finding a sink and soap dispenser isn’t always possible. The next best option is to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, thence we have outlined some tips for keeping hand sanitizers accessible at all times.

Make sure you have a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse or bag and attach a few to your kid’s school bag for more convenience. A single doorknob could be the cause of a spread of illness at home, thence it is important to place a hand sanitizer at the entrance of your house and clean your hands before you enter to safeguard your family against certain germs.


  • Declutter your house

Clean out old, unwanted items and keep your house organised to make disinfecting the house easier and ensure that there are no missed spots. Lesser surfaces effectively reduce the number of spaces that the virus can reside on. For smaller homes, opting for multi-purpose storage items can help to declutter and maximise space utility-JASEN, BEDSIDE TABLE.



  • Practice Social Distancing

Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions to stop or slow down a contagious disease. Social distancing measures include limiting the number of large groups gathering together and cancelling events. This means no handshakes, stay at least 1.5 metres away from others and stay at home unless going out is absolutely necessary.


( Featured Image: Showroom)

  • Disinfect potential high traffic areas

Commonly used areas such as doorknobs, flush buttons, keyboards and your mobile phone should be regularly disinfected with disinfectant or sanitisers as these areas are where viruses are highly trafficked. For families with children, don’t miss out spots like table legs or under counters that might be easily accessed by children.